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Zoom Meeting Details:

(don't worry we sent you a confirmation email too!)

Topic: Town Hall Meeting
Time: This is a recurring meeting Meet anytimeJoin Zoom Meeting
https://fitdegree.zoom.us/j/89962495639Meeting ID: 899 6249 5639
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Meeting ID: 899 6249 5639
Find your local number: https://fitdegree.zoom.us/u/kcoPEQ0NiG

What to expect during this call?

✔️ During this call, we will first do an overview of the February Updates before opening up for LIVE Q&A. 
✔️ When we are ready for live Q&A we will allow participants to unmute themselves. 
✔️ Please keep in mind the chat box will always be open with a team member responding as they can. 
✔️ If you can not attend, please leave your feedback in the Form linked below.

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to Megan on our team via email at: 
