Testing And Tracking Intro Offers

One of the first experiences that most new clients have with a fitness business is through an intro offer or a new client special.
The goal of an intro offer is twofold:
1: It allows a new client the opportunity to get to know your business and services
2: It gives you an opportunity to create a meaningful relationship and show value.
Ultimately, the end result is to convert new clients from an intro offer to becoming long term members of your business. So, I think we can agree that an effective intro offer is crucial to the success of your business. It’s important to note that the structure and price points of an intro offer will vary from one business to the next based on location, demographic, and modality. Check out our article “How To Build Your Intro Offer: The 3 Variables to Consider” to learn more. Once you create your intro offer, there is still more work to be done. It is important to Test and Track.
This article will break down the key steps in auditing your intro offers to ensure you have an effective new client service option that will allow you to convert new clients for consistent growth.
It is most effective to test one offer at a time so you have a clear understanding of how each one is performing. When we offer multiple intro offers at the same time that have not been tested, it can be challenging to have clear data on each option. If you test one offer at a time and find you have more than one offer that performs well, it is ok to sell them at the same time once they have proven to be effective. Just be sure that your two intro offers show value in different ways.
Be patient, testing the effectiveness of an intro offer takes time. When you are selling a new product, you have to educate your community on what the product is and market it extensively. This means you will have to be talking about your new intro offer in the studio, in email campaigns, text promotions, out in the community, and consistently on your social media platforms. So, don’t expect to have quality data to make strategic decisions on the effectiveness of your intro offer within just one month.
When testing a new intro offer it is crucial that we are looking at the hard data.We want to be looking at certain metrics that will allow us to make educated decisions.
# 1 How many intro offers are being sold per week?
# 2 How many are being converted to memberships?
# 3 How many are being converted to packages?
Being able to pull reports specifically on your intro offer(s) is a must. You should be looking at your metrics on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis. fitDEGREE recently added unique Intro Offer reporting features that are a game changer for studio owners.
Learn more here https://www.loom.com/share/1379d55fa3a741fe8d5dd58cd68b865e
Listen,you can have the most appealing intro offer that drives in new traffic but if you don’t have an effective sales process, you will inevitably miss out on conversions. So, be sure that you have a sales process that supports your staff AND outlines points of contact and types of contact that will translate to converting new clients. If your current sales process isn’t converting at least 50% of your intro offers or new client specials, it might be time to audit your process. Check out our article“Creating A Successful Sales Process” for some tips and tricks.
Having an effective intro offer or new client special is one of the most important components to any successful fitness studio. In order to ensure you have an effective offer, you must test and track your services options. If you are preparing to launch a new intro offer be sure to implement the steps outlined in this article and don’t forget that your sales process is just as important as your intro offer.
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