Ali Taber

Support Savant


Ali Taber

No customer success department would be complete without Ali. Mama of two teenage boys and former cycling and fitness studio owner herself, Ali knows this world inside and out AND she’s got the grit to get things done no matter what. But watch out fam, she’s not fit for human interaction before she’s had her coffee in the morning.

Articles by

Ali Taber

Membership Contracts and Why You Need Them

Memberships are an ideal way for any business to generate revenue, but this is especially true when it comes to fitness businesses

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Membership Contracts and Why You Need Them

Membership contracts are not meant to be complicated, but the whole point is protecting you and your business, so you’ve got to get clear on the specifics. Having a membership contract in place is an essential step for the success of your fitness business. There are several necessary steps to take if you want to make a membership a successful business model for your company, but one of the first and most important ones will be developing your membership contract.

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